Map of the Upper Souris Watershed

Upper Souris Watershed Association is an independent, non- profit organization that has been developed to implement the key action items from the Watershed Protection Plan. The USWA was incorporated as a non-profit on February 24, 2010.
Not only do we want to improve water quality and water quantity within the watershed, but ensure water for social, economic, environmental and cultural uses for future generations. The watershed protection plan has been developed under the leadership of Saskatchewan Watershed Authority by holding meetings with local watershed advisory committees, that have local representatives from; rural and urban municipalities, First Nations, the Region 3 Metis Nation, agricultural organizations, industry, government and non- government organizations.
A technical committee provided input into the concerns from the local committees and developed recommendations and actions to address these concerns. The plan has been completed and released in October of 2010. Please download a copy from the page "Watershed protection Plan".
We are in the implementation phase, which includes working on the 40 key actions from the "Plan".
Check us out at Upper Souris Watershed Association Facebook:

Latest Facebook Posting:

The Ministry of Agriculture has partnered with Watershed Stewardship Associations and community groups to provide education and expertise for producers. These services will focus on addressing environmental issues where action by all producers in an area can have a measurable impact.
Agri-Environmental technicians are available to provide producer level support for the Farm Stewardship Program and Farm and Ranch Water Infrastructure Program.
Please check out the Ministry of Agriculture website or contact USWA for more information on CAP programming available.
Office: 306-634-7074

The following are a number of Beneficial Management Practices that are available to eligible producers:
Permanent Tame Forage:
Perennial grasses and legumes sequester carbon, hold topsoil in place and use moisture more efficiently than annual crops.
The Farm Stewardship Program provides funding for seed costs and establishment of perennial forages that contain at least one creeping rooted grass? If you are considering converting crop land, we can help.
Permanent Native Forage:
Native plants are well-adapted to our climate, handle grazing well, and require minimal inputs. We can help with converting cultivated lands to pasture through the #CdnAgPartnership Farm Stewardship Program.
Drainage Stewardship:
Drainage Stewardship BMP Existing agriculture drainage works impact downstream water quality and quantity. Let''s make sure it's a positive impact. Find out how the Farm Stewardship Program can help. #CdnAgPartnership #SaskAg #DYK: The #CdnAgPartner has funding to help producers address the impact of existing private drainage works. Find out more about the Farm Stewardship Program. #SaskAg
Riparian Grazing:
Riparian Grazing Management #DYK: Riparian areas are key to water management? They stabilize stream banks and shore lines, filter impurities, and trap sediment. The Farm Stewardship Program has funding to help manage these areas on your land. #SaskAg #CdnAgPartnership Fencing to improve riparian grazing management is one item covered through the Farm Stewardship Program. Contact us to learn more. #CdnAgPartnership #SaskAg Do you have a grazing management plan and a riparian health assessment? Talk to us about how the Farm Stewardship Program can help with funding for item to help manage riparian areas. #CdnAgPartnership
Livestock Stewardship:
The Farm Stewardship Program helps support run-off control or diversion works like holding ponds, liners, ditches and berms? Find out more about how the #CdnAgPartnership is here to help. #SaskAg These BMPs seek to protect or improve surface water and groundwater resources by mitigating environmental impacts from livestock operations. #CdnAgPartnership #SaskAg Own an intensive livestock operation? Considering a project that will enhance water protection? The #CdnAgPartnership may have funding to help. Learn more about the Farm Stewardship Program. #SaskAg #DYK: The #CdnAgPartnership has resources to help you design and implement a nutrient management plan? Learn more about what the Farm Stewardship Program has to offer. #SaskAg